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아이허브-kitchens of india, paste for chicken curry

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작성자 아이허브 조회 8,512회 댓글 1건 작성일 12-11-02 21:06


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아이허브-kitchens of india, paste for chicken curry
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우리나라 제품이 최고라 생각하는 애국자라~
외국에서 건너온건 그냥 의심스러워요..~
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이번 인도치킨거리 같이 먹는것은 더욱더..
넉넉한 기한이 있네요.(이번주에 다 먹을거니까..^^)


좀전에 다 먹으면 또 살까란 생각에 들어가 봤더니...ㅠㅠ
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맛있는 치킨커리를 생각하며....
아이허브 치킨커리
 Kitchens of India, Paste for Butter Chicken Curry, 3.5 oz (100 g)
A Mater Chef Recipe
A Rich Exotic Spice Paste - Easy to Use.
Specially Blended by the Master Chefs of ITC Hotels.
Authentic Indian Cuisine - Made in India
100% Natural No Preservatives
Kosher Dairy
Artfully blended by the Master Chefs of ITC Hotels to create the authentic Indian taste of butter chicken. A dish popular for its rich aroma and taste.
Suggested Use
Cooking Instructions
Pan Recipe
In a pan, mix 1 lb boneless chicken pieces, 3 tbsp butter, entire contents of Kitchens of India's Butter Chicken Curry Paste and 1 cup water. Mix the contents thoroughly. Simmer for 20 minutes once it starts boiling under closed lid. Cook for another 5 minutes on high flame. Keep aside, covered, for 3 minutes. Serve Hot.
Microwave Recipe
In a microwave bowl, mix 1 lb boneless chickeb pieces, 3 tbsp butter, entire contents of Kitchens of India's Butter Chicken Curry Paste and 1 cup water. Cook on medium for 22 minutes in a covered dish. Remove from microwave and keep covered for 5 minutes. Serve Hot.
Serving Suggestions
Serve hot with Indian bread or steamed rice.

Garnish with fresh cream/malai (home-made cream). Serve hot with roti, naan, paratha or steamed rice.


애들사랑님의 댓글

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