아이허브-madre bees 오가닉 바닐라 립밤 > 아이허브 구매리스트

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아이허브-madre bees 오가닉 바닐라 립밤

페이지 정보

작성자 아이허브 조회 6,331회 댓글 2건 작성일 12-11-02 21:38


아이허브-madre bees 오가닉 바닐라 립밤
겨울철 필수품 중 하나가 립밤이죠.
그래서 이번 구매때 아이허브에서 Madre Bees 오가닉 바닐라 립밤을 구매했습니다.

Madre Bees, Hemp, Organic Vanilla, Lip Balm, .15 oz (4.25 g)




 Madre Bees, Hemp, Organic Vanilla, Lip Balm, .15 oz (4.25 g)
  • USDA Organic
  • Certified Organic by Oregon Tilth
We purchase our USDA Organic Beeswax from well-established bee farmers, who are often the third or fourth-generation in the trade and have learned from decades of hands-on experience. Their livelihood is dependent on the ethical and humane collection of crude wax and honey. These farmers take pride in providing a high quality, consistent products year after year, without endangering bees or other wildlife.
The collection of our Organic Beeswax takes place in organized apiaries, or out in the wild – where collectors do their best to ensure the bees are well cared for. By constantly monitoring the hives, farmers can make certain the bees are healthy and well fed throughout the year, especially during times of drought or frost. Many of our bee farmers use wooden hives, which are hung from trees, so wild animals cannot disturb them.
In addition, the majority of our bee farmers contribute to ongoing government and university-funded research. This crucial research is intended to develop better ways to handle bees, and keep them safe in their natural habitat.
Organic Beeswax is a naturally sustainable product from Mother Nature. It is up to us to protect bees, so that they will continue to pollinate and produce high quality Organic Beeswax for generations to come.
Supplement Facts
Extra virgin olive oil*, beeswax*, flavor*, hemp seed oil*, non GMO vitamin E.
Safety seal


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전체 49건 1 페이지
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